Escho > Teppop (E3)



- includes a floppy disc with the programming code for Polska Gabba 1.0


Teppop Unaturlige stillinger i unaturlig lang tid (CD-R and floppy disc)

Teppop is notorious for his absurd and highly entertaining live act where distortion, karaeoke, circuit bends, gabber techno and strange vocals is presented with genuine showmanship by this deadpan entertainer. His debut album Opretholdelse af unaturlige stillinger i unaturlig lang tid (translates Maintenance of unnatural postures for an unnnatural long period of time), shows Teppop at his most mischievously playful. Catchy synth melodies is succeeded by mock euro dance in double speed, and a bizarre fascination with the former Soviet Union lurkes beneath the surface.

Teppop, har gennem de seneste par år været berygtet for sine absurd underholdende liveshows hvor distortion, karaoke, circuit bends, gabber techno og uforlignelig showmanship går op i en højere enhed. På debuten Opretholdelse af unaturlige stillinger i unaturlig lang tid viser Teppop sig fra sin mest legesyge side. Demonstrativt iørefaldende synthtemaer afløses af eurodance i dobbelt tempo, og en bizar russerfascination lurer hele tiden i baggrunden.


Track listing

1. Sine bahrain
2. Sweet
3. Mehter
4. Khömmei the Teppop way
5. Sank u
6. Ja pju datna feat. Tyge Root
7. Pustvsegdabudetsonse
8. RR
10. Kanøjser elektro børnekor
11. Agent AMF
12. AmstraaaaaaaaAAaaaaaad feat. Tyge Root
13. Fünf töner
14. SPH
15. N/A
16. Spadexp
17. Finlandia feat. Silja

Floppy disc:
1. Polska Gabber 1.0

Produced by Teppop.


Plan of package


100 numbered copies
Artwork: Teppop puzzle game included
Release date: 6 April 2006
Catalogue # ESC-03

Band website
See also

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