Escho 15: Mit Nye Band – 2004-2009 Vol. 2 (LP) Comes with a download voucher.
Mit Nye Band 2004-2009 Vol. 1 og 2 er, som titlerne antyder, en opstilling af den bro bandet har bygget mellem dem selv, bandet imellem, og de folk, der har fulgt dem siden deres svævende opstart. De to plader fungerer som en musikalsk Rorschach-test. Der er intet facit for, hvad musikken kan, til gengæld efterlader den så mange åbner pladser i det fyldige lydbillede, at lytteren helt kan lukke munden i og trække vejret med ørerne og nyde en dynamisk organisme svømme afsted. Mit Nye Band 2004-2009 Vols. 1 and 2 are, as the title suggests, a layout of the bridge the band has built between themselves, the band in between, and the people who have followed them since their hovering start. The two discs act as a musical Rorschach test. There is no answer to what the music can do; instead it leaves many open seats in the robust sound, so that the listener can totally shut up, and breathe with their ears, and enjoy a dynamic organism swimming away.
Go to the frontage for pricing and order options Free digital copy Released 12/12/2009